Thursday, 5 May 2016

Homework Survey

Dear NPC Contacts,
We are surveying children, parents and teachers on the issue of Homework.

We would really appreciate it if you could complete this Parents’ Homework survey by clicking here. Please complete a separate survey for each child.

We will also send you separate email with a link to the Children's Homework Survey, it would be great if you could ask your child/children to complete this survey or help them to complete the survey.

 This will give us a great insight into the whole area. We will present the results of this survey at our Annual Conference at the end of May 2016 and the results will also be available on our website
 Please complete this survey so that we get an accurate view of parents' opinions.

All three surveys will close at midnight on the 22nd of May 2016


We would really appreciate it if you could ask your child/children to complete the Children’s Homework Survey.

We really want to know what your children think about Homework.    

The surveys are anonymous therefore the children can give their true views.

It would be great if you could help them complete the survey, if they need your help that is! Click here for the survey

This survey and the other two will close at midnight on the 22nd of May 2016.

Please pass the Children’s Homework Survey link on to parents of children in your child’s school and to any primary school children who might be interested in giving us their views.

Many thanks
Michelle Davern
National Parents Council Primary